Abilities at Work

Are you a local business in the York Region area?

Project SEARCH graduates excel in roles that are complex and systematic. They have more than 700 hours of hands-on work experience, as well as the technical and soft skills your organization requires.

Get involved in Project SEARCH York by hosting an intern, hiring an intern upon graduation or become a Business Advisor supporting the program.


Help and Support:

Interested in hiring from this diverse talent pool?

Please contact us to discuss next steps and ensure there is a good fit between your business and our interns.  Recruitment of our Project SEARCH York graduates can support your recruitment priorities as well as your Diversity and Inclusion goals.

Like many high school graduates, our interns have a range of career interests, skills and strengths. They excel at jobs that are complex and systematic, requiring someone who can follow procedures and routines with a consistently high standard of performance. They want to work in an integrated, inclusive environment in jobs that are permanent, full or part-time (minimum of 20 hours a week) and that pay minimum wage or higher.


Working with Individuals with Disabilities

Recognizing all people are different and require different things, our interns are open to support and guidance to help them achieve success. An intellectual or communication disability may affect a person’s reading, writing, verbal and written communication, problem solving, learning speed, and social interactions. With the right accommodation, our interns can have successful careers in your organization.

Often, there may be no special accommodations needed but instead, strategies that support most workers to do their best include:

  • Getting to know the employee’s unique interests and strengths
  • Straightforward, clear language and expectations
  • Direct, timely feedback

The Project SEARCH York Team will support you in discussing accommodations to ensure you are set up for success. Businesses that hire a Project SEARCH graduate may continue to be supported by Community Living York South.
